Ministry Opportunities
Lead Pastor - Uplands Baptist Church
Terrace, British Columbia
Uplands Baptist Church is a Particular Baptist church that is affiliated with the CNBC (Canadian National Baptist Convention, www.cnbc.ca) and more closely with the Alpine Baptist Association (a Reformed Baptist association in Western Canada). It is a church of about 10 members. The church holds morning and evening service every Sunday, a prayer meeting on Wednesday night, and men’s meeting on Friday. They have their own church building located at 5003 Halliwell Ave, Terrace, BC. Terrace is a city of over 15,000 people located in Northwestern B.C. It is a 15 hour drive from Vancouver and an hour and a half drive from the Pacific coast. In terms of demographics, Terrace has a small visible minority population, but a high First Nations population. There is still much need for a gospel witness and greater evangelism and discipleship in this city. The church is praying for a humble man who works well with others, who subscribes to Particular (Reformed) Baptist theology, and whose wife will be fully on board with his ministry. He must be a man who has a godly desire to shepherd and teach the flock of God, and has been outwardly affirmed as a qualified and suitable candidate by other leaders and his local church (1 Tim 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-16; 1 Peter 5:1-5). Financial support will be discussed, and we trust the Lord will provide for the right man as he seeks God’s kingdom first.
Call Leyton Freeman (250-615-9839)
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