The Alpine Baptist Association welcomes like-minded churches to join with us in promoting the spread of the gospel and carrying out the purposes of our association. If your church is interested in membership, we encourage you to contact us.
Member churches must substantially subscribe to the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith, meaning that they subscribe to the major or essential doctrines of each chapter of the confession, yet with liberty and charity over minor matters of wording, application, and nuance.
When a church makes application for membership in the Association by a letter of request, the moderator shall appoint a committee of three, from the Executive Board, who shall inquire into its Articles of Faith, manner and nature of organization and fellowship. ​
Upon a favorable report from the committee, the moderator shall call for a vote of acceptance or rejection, and if a 75% vote is cast in favor of receiving the church, he shall announce the results and the church may become a member of the Association.​
The Executive Board, acting for the Association between its sessions, may in the manner prescribed above, receive applying churches into the Association and they shall be accorded all the privileges of the Association from that date, pending final action of the annual meeting.